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(2 edits)

I'm gonna play this and document my thoughts as I go:

in the first few seconds of the game the camera was stationary and i was pressing the arrow keys but nothing happened, i didnt know its a cutscene

the player movement is done very fluidly, i like that

the soundtrack reminds me of portal's ost

its frustrating when i try to fit in gaps that are the exact same size as the player

i like how the sky changes color

the sound that plays when jumping gets repetitive- maybe have different types of surfaces and it can play a different sound depending on what surface you jump from, idk

an invisible wall stopped me and i thought it was a bug but when the game revealed the reflection it was so cool. i like that idea alot, and i like how it wobbles like a water reflection.

feels like im playing in a qr code

oh? a square was blocking my path and i thought its a wall but i went inside of it, and that inverted the gravity. interesting, then on the next level i got stuck because it wasnt clear to me that all black squares are now special, and you can go through them only from the vertical walls, the ceiling and floor are solid. find a way to introduce players in a more obvious way-

okay those levels with the inverting gravity solid blocks are very creative, i like how you have to use momentum to progress forward.

i completed the level but im still on it, just with the sky darker

ah okay at least im getting faster every time.

oh its all red now, now that i think about it again, i like how it transitioned tbh

who am i chasing

i appreciate the feature which allows the players to jump a tiny bit after they leave a platform, but i feel like some levels actually rely on this mechanic, and that i have to do moves that look impossible and feel unintuitive to execute (or maybe i just didnt see the intended way)

oh i finished the game. i chased down the red dude and then i became a ninja with 3 eyes. i went up to the other square and the sky became black and the game restarted- i wish it showed a "the end" or something, but yeah

well it was a game, i didn't get bored of it for 23 minutes straight so thats a good thing lol.

Idk what else to say, maybe theres a deeper meaning to everything like a story or something but it went over my head.

I wonder what would've happened if at the end i went in the other direction, away from the other dude, because i saw that the sky gets brighter the further away you get away from him.

Well i hope my honest feedback was helpful in some way!

It was very helpful! And I love that you wrote it as you played, gave a very unique angle to your thoughts. Thanks for playing and for the comment :)

The ending and the story in general are very obscure, I dont think anyone really got it.  But hey maybe 10 years in the future someone will make a 40 minute videos essay explaining this games lore haha

Going off screen at the last level also makes the game end. Its a small choice that doesnt really affect anything

oh okay
glad i could be of help)

Love this game! If this was chapter 1 of 4, I could see myself buying it on Steam for 5 Bucks.

Also, being sent back to the beginning after the last level made me think I was supposed to go through the first few levels again but differently and with new abilities or something.

Thank you! Yea the loop is a bit confusing but I wasnt sure how to convey an ending without using words

ohh whoops i thought it was the end and i closed the app :D

Fixed the softlock, sorry if u got stuck there :)

will there be a barbie version coming soon?



Valve please fix

I will 😭😭😭

i got soft locked here - to the left of the middle of the screen . is that meant to happen ?

(1 edit)

No, BRUH I broke it last second before release. Will fix ASAP, thanks!